Ultimate Quiz

Welcome to your Ultimate Quiz

1. What is your skin's primary concern?

2. How would you describe the size of your pores?

3. How often do you experience redness or irritation?

4. Do you have any fine lines or wrinkles?

5. How would you describe your skin tone?

6. Are you prone to sunburn?

7. What is your current skincare routine?

8. Do you use any specific treatments or products?

9. Are you allergic to any skincare ingredients?

10. How satisfied are you with your current skincare products?

11. Do you have any specific skin concerns or goals related to skincare products?

12. What's your age group?

13. How much time can you commit to your skincare routine daily?

14. Are you interested in natural or organic skincare products?

15. What's your preferred budget for skincare products?

1. What is your hair type?

2. How would you describe your hair's primary concern?

3. How often do you use heat styling tools?

4. How often do you color or chemically treat your hair?

5. What is your hair's thickness?

6. Do you have an itchy or flaky scalp?

7. How often do you wash your hair?

8. What hair products do you regularly use?

9. Are you satisfied with the volume of your hair?

10. Are you looking to address any specific hair concerns or achieve certain hair goals?

11. Do you have any specific haircare routines or practices?

12. How often do you get your hair trimmed or cut?

13. Do you have a preferred hair color or style?

14. How often do you use hair masks or treatments?

15. Have you ever consulted with a professional hairstylist about your hair concerns?

1. What is your primary health concern?

2. Do you take any supplements regularly?

3. Have you been diagnosed with any specific health conditions?

4. How would you describe your daily diet?

5. Are you currently taking any medications or have any allergies?

6. Do you exercise regularly?

7. How much water do you typically consume daily?

8. Have you ever consulted with a healthcare professional about your skin, hair, or weight concerns?

9. Are you interested in natural or herbal supplements?

10. Are you seeking supplements to address specific deficiencies or improve your overall well-being?

11. Are you currently taking any prescription medications?

12. Have you ever had a blood test to check for vitamin or mineral deficiencies?

13. How often do you monitor your weight and body measurements?

14. Are you open to dietary changes to address your health concerns?

15. Are you interested in personalized supplement recommendations based on your health needs?